Sorry, but you probably deserved it.

It’s lighthearted where you wish it wasn’t. It’s racist. Conflict resolution is almost alwas heavy handed. It’s unendingly apologetic, sympathetic, and lenient to a system that is desperately in need of reform. No matter how many mishaps, things never change for the better. There are no better solutions proposed and no easy answers to be gained here.

That is the position of law enforcement in America and this game.

This is CopQuest: a story that takes place in EveryTown, NC. You play the role of Officer Bob Allegedly, a well meaning cop that struggle to do the right thing but is greatly influenced by a law enforcement system that does not value all lives equally and a community that consequently does not trust or respect him.

Trigger warnings: You’ll be sure to find passive and casual racism that reflect common daily interactions in America. Guns are fired, people are tased, bullied, beaten, and incarcerated. When situations escalate its nearly always at great expense for the underprivileged.

Director’s Note: No matter who you are, we sincerely hope that you are entertained. We also hope that you are offended, outraged, and moved to action after you play our game. The game is cute looking so that younger audiences will play it anyway. We’re not even sorry that your child found our game and played it. We hope they talked about it a lot. In short, we made this game to trigger…

There are a few different endings. How many game over will I have to add before things start to change? Let’s find out…